Bagi pecinta game RPG game satu ini bisa menambah koleksi game-game di pc anda,walaupun hanya game mini,Storyline dan gameplay di game ini tentunya tidak kalah menarik dengan gae-game RPG lain,oke untuk lebih jelasnya cek review berikut :
System Requirements :
Operating system:Windows® XP / Vista™ / Windows® 7Processor:1.6 GHz CPUMemory:512 MBHard disk space:200MBVideo:Video card or processor with OpenGL support and 32 MB video RAM (64 MB recommended)Resolution:1024x600 screen resolution with 32 bit color.Screen Shoot :
Link Download(idws) :
Download Avadon The Black Fortress part1 (100MB)Download Avadon The Black Fortress part2 (6MB)
Thanks & credit to uplader :
asuno @idws
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