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Link Download (IDWS) :
Download GooseGogs MiniPCGame (73MB)
Features :
* Winner of the German Computer Game Prize 2010
* 6 different player GooseGogs which differ both in their abilities,
and physical behavior
* 50 exciting levels provide tremendous gameplay and addictive
* Supports resolutions up to 1920x1080
* Controlled by Xbox 360 Controller
* Despite using advanced 2D graphics techniques, such as shaders, used to
represent Bloom and HDR
* Nominated for the German Developer Award 2010
System Requis (minimal) :
system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel/AMD 1.6 GHz oder besser
VGA : Full Direct3D kompatibel, Geforce 6800 oder Ati X800
Memoru : 512 MB RAM
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