For a minute there, it looked like the positive buzz on
"Kick-Ass 2" - a sequel I'm still kind of amazed we got, given that the original was considered another ComicCon-Hit/Mainstream-Bomb scenario until the long-term numbers came back - was going to be eclipsed by Jim Carrey's
latest public spectacle (Ugh. Maybe someone should've stopped him back
when he asked us to.) But
this extended trailer just hit from SDCC, and I remain optimistic.
The boxoffice "problem" with the first film is that it really
was a "naughty kid" film - an R-rated movie that, if we're being honest, is largely "for" an audience that was too young to (legally) buy tickets for it. But there's a
huge fanbase for this that discovered it on DVD and cable, so maybe this one will hit bigger. My only concern is that Mark Millar's comic sequel was actually pretty awful, but a movie can correct that (see: Most movies based on Mark Millar comics.)
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