Were you feeling, perhaps, that the "Earth = Third World, Space-Station = America" border-control/immigration/class-uprising allegory in
"Elysium" didn't look
quite on the nose enough? Well, here are two trailers for Bong Joon-ho's (of
"The Host" and
"Mother") upcoming
"Snowpiercer," in which an ice age has so blighted the planet that the remainders of human society now exist entirely on a gigantic train that travels constantly on a globe-circling track - the richer you are, the closer you live to the engine and get to run the show, while the progressively-poorer live further and further back into the tail. Chris Evans is guy who leads a rebel-uprising among the poor to storm the engines.
The Weinsteins have U.S. distribution on this one, so you'll probably see it sometime between tomorrow and never.
Belum ada tanggapan untuk ""The Engine is Sacred!""
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