There've been snaps from the SDCC trailer around for months, but this is the first official heroes-lineup still from James Gunn's
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY - the last new Marvel Studios movie before
AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON and the first test of whether the Marvel brand can extend it's thus-far bulletproof box office credibility outside of the superhero genre; in this case, to a space-set scifi/action-comedy:
From left to right: Zoe Saldana as
GAMORA, Chris Pratt as
STARLORD, Bradley Cooper (voice) as
ROCKET RACCOON, David Bautista as
DRAX THE DESTROYER and Vin Diesel as
GROOT.In the SDCC footage, this scene (they're in a police lineup) served for irreverent tone-setting: following a big dump of action/FX footage, there's a hard-cut to this lineup, overseen by a pair of
NOVA CORPS officers (including John C. Reilly!) who opine:
"They call themselves 'The Guardians of The Galaxy..." [beat]
"...what a bunch of A-Holes."
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